This looks like pizza dough, but it's homemade mozzarella cheese. As a kid, I was obsessed with craft-making kits. As a grown-up, I have the same feeling about cheese-making kits. And so my darling husband got me these for my birthday. He did this because he is thoughtful and knows me well, and also because I sent him the Amazon links a few weeks ago. I should have worn a crown like the girl on the box. And so I spent a fair portion of my 33rd birthday concocting mozzarella and ricotta cheese in the kitchen. (I'll save the goat cheese kit for another day. There's only so much cheese we can eat around here.) I won't outline all of the instructions here, because they're long, and there are plenty of good guides on the internet. But, I will summarize as follows: 1) Homemade cheese is delicious. 2) It's extremely satisfying to turn a gallon of milk into something as cool as mozzarella or ricotta cheese. 3) Ricotta cheese is ridiculously...
I cook often. Most of my creations are vegetarian or seafood-based. Most don't require measuring or any other degree of patience, because I don't have any. Most are fairly low in calories. Many have some kind of international flair. Here are the highlights.