Made in advance of the enchiladas
It is the time of year to look for ways to use up tomatoes! I have canned plenty of puree and tomato sauce, I have made chili and tomato-based farro and sweet and sour, and I have a year's supply of salsa in the freezer. And so, enchilada sauce.
I worked from this recipe from Dinner Then Dessert because it's easy. And because I was cooking 8 things at once, I simplified it further and skipped the roux, so mine is super watery. I'll add flour next time, but this one tastes good and the texture is passable.
The Recipe:
2 tb vegetable oil
2 tb flour
3 tb chili powder
8 oz tomato sauce
1 c vegetable broth
2 tsp cumin
1 tb garlic, minced
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp salt
- Heat oil in a saucepan. Add flour and chili powder and stir until the color turns a bit brown.
- Add the remaining ingredients and whisk.
- Cook for 8-10 minutes until thickened.
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