Shredded brussels sprouts! I never would have thought of this.
This recipe is a victory, because brussels sprouts were one of my two most hated foods as a kid (the other one was lima beans). I've since come around to eating them in roasted form, but I've never really LIKED them. But this salad is so delicious that I will actually intentionally buy brussels sprouts to make it again.
The recipe is from the Martha Stewart meal kit, and we had it alongside some breaded cod, which was a great pairing.
The Recipe:
1/2 lb brussels sprouts, shredded
1 tb mayonnaise
2 tsp lemon juice
1 garlic clove, grated
1 1/2 tb olive oil
salt and pepper, to taste
2 tb parmesan cheese, grated
- In a medium bowl, mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper.
- Whisk in olive oil.
- Add brussels sprouts and parmesan, and mix to coat.
The Verdict:
Overall grade: A
Overall reason: I finally like brussels sprouts!
Time to prepare: 5 minutes
Husband quote: I don't remember. I was too excited about the fact that I liked brussels sprouts.
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